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StudentRoomStay Concierge: Fresno Christian School's Exclusive Homestay Provider

The mission of Fresno Christian Schools is to equip young people for life and service for Jesus Christ through biblical foundations, Christ-like character development, and academic preparation in partnership with the home and local church.

Start Your Student Housing Application

Getting excited about the adventure at Fresno Christian Schools, exploring incredible cities and enjoying newfound independence?

Take the next step by submitting your application for homestay accommodation!

Welcoming International Students

Fresno Christian Schools welcomes international students and encourages students to live in local homes with local families to get a once in a lifetime experience. StudentRoomStay Concierge is the premier provider for students with a home away from home while pursuing their education at Fresno Christian Schools.

StudentRoomStay Concierge specializes in providing a safe, easy and world-class homestay experience.


What StudentRoomStay Concierge Provides for you

CSIET Compliant

CSIET Compliant

Strict standards for safe and quality homestays



24/7 support for both students and their hosts, monthly host family reports sent to parents.



Medical insurance available for a low fee



For students and host families matching management



Pre-departure online orientation plus local and cultural immersion with your host.



Straightforward pricing and simple payment process

StudentRoomStay Concierge Package

StudentRoomStay Concierge carefully organizes and prepares the homestay experience, ensuring each participant receives the tools, resources and support they need to succeed.

Room, board and local transportation: $340-$375/week depending on package selected

StudentRoomStay Concierge will assist you in finding the perfect host family. We carefully conduct student-family matching through a series of interviews, background checks, home visits and more.

At StudentRoomStay Concierge, one of our top priorities is providing the best and safest homestays in the international student industry. We offer 24/7 365 days a year support because we know that matching a student and getting them into a good homestay is just the beginning of a 10-month process.

StudentRoomStay Concierge makes it easy for parents to select homestay situations that they think will best suit their international students. With our dedicated support, we will always keep communication channels open and frequent. 

Convenient and efficient airport pickup and drop-off services for students. (Included in premium package, available as add-on for other packages)

About Our Hosts

Our hosts are an integral part of a homestay for foreign students, as they’re responsible for opening up their home, welcoming a student, and providing the highest form of hospitality throughout the entire academic homestay.

Your host family will guide you through your U.S. journey and help you with any questions, concerns, or issues that arise.  

  • 24/7 support
  • Personalized student/family matches
  • Vetted selection of households
  • Lifelong friendship opportunities
  • Extra assistance transitioning to American student life
  • Help navigating the local community 

Your Child’s Safety and Well-being is Our First Priority

We don’t take an international homestay program lightly, especially when it comes to the safety and security of our students. We only choose host families who have undergone a series of national criminal background checks, interviews, at-home inspections, orientations, and trainings. On top of intensive procedures for households, we’re also CSIET-approved, meaning StudentRoomStay Concierge is audited each year to assure each student is safe and well taken care of during their entire academic homestay.

Every student has access to 24/7 support from trained StudentRoomStay Concierge staff, as well as monthly check-ins to address additional concerns or issues. Each StudentRoomStay Concierge school offers first-rate international student programs, teachers, and counselors to assist students and their progress in American schooling, providing many resources for stability and overall health.

Former Student Testimonials

I've been living with my host family for almost two years, they love me so much. My host mom is kindly and she took great care of me as her son.  She also cares about my grades, she usually helps me doing my homework, fixes my writing. I really appreciated that she helped me so much.

Hengyuan Zhong
High School Student

Can't believe I improved my English so much in five months! Here is just like my family.  I love my life in America!

High School Student

This is my first time coming to America. I feel very wonderful.  My homestay family is friendly.  They will take me to play every week. The school has many activities After class, I always participate in conversations with students. It has improved my vision of the world.  This is my great life.

High School Student